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The Hog of Hastings
Date 21 July 2023
Location Isle of Wight
Result English Victory
• a handful of English soldiers saved
The Kingdom of England
Commanders and leaders
hadrian disputedname
1 1

The Hog of Hastings

On July 21st, the Battle of Hastings took place between England and her allies, versus Normandy The battle was an English victory and was in part, due to the Hog of Hastings helping many English soldiers and allies out of a hole in the ground.


After the conclusion of the battle, The Hog of Hastings was built a museum by cyntola in the city of Hereford where he will eternally be remembered.

The Hog of Hastings residing in Hereford Museum
the_hog_of_hastings.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/23 22:18 by umayyad