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Siege Weapons

Siege weapons are used to destroy enemy fortifications, defend key positions, and eliminate enemy players.

Obtaining Siege Weapon

To craft a siege weapon and its ammunition, you must unlock the Warsmithing and Fletching profession skills in blacksmithing.


Cannons are ranged artillery primarily used to destroy enemy structures or take out infantry.

Placing & Destroying

To place a cannon, right-click on a 1×3 surface. To destroy a cannon, break the block underneath it.


  • To point the cannon leftwards, do Shift + RClick
  • To point a cannon rightwards, do Shift + LClick
  • To point a cannon upwards, do LClick
  • To point a cannon downwards, do RClick


To load the cannon, right-click on the cannon with gunpowder pouches 3 times. Then, load your projectile (cannonball or canister shot) by right-clicking the front of the cannon.

  • Cannonball: Penetrates up to 4 blocks, ideal for destroying fortifications.
  • Canister Shot: Anti-infantry round that spreads like a shotgun but doesn’t damage blocks.


Once the cannon is loaded, light it with flint and steel. You must wait for the smoke to clear before loading and firing again.


Ballistas are powerful projectile weapons that launch bolts at infantry, dealing heavy damage.

Placing & Destroying

Ballistas can be placed anywhere, but must be at least 3 blocks away from another siege weapon. To destroy a ballista, break the block underneath it. To mount it, right-click the ballista.


The ballista will automatically follow your cursor, but has a 180-degree aiming range from its placement spot.


Right-click the ballista with a steel bolt and keep right-clicking until the bolt is fully drawn back.


Once loaded, left-click to fire.


siege-weapons.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/30 14:59 by chocolatebobo