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Farmer Profession


The Farmer profession in Mvndicraft focuses on agriculture and animal husbandry. Farmers play a crucial role in food production and resource gathering. This profession is divided into two main skill trees: Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.

Agriculture Skill Tree

The Agriculture skill tree focuses on crop farming, herbalism, and agricultural machinery.

Skill Name Description XP Cost Max Points
Crop Looting Increases the drop rate of crops 0 5
Scythe Durability Increases the chance for your scythe to not take damage 0 5
Sickle Looting Increases the yields from using the sickle 5 3
Plough Create and use a plough 8 1
Herbalism Grow and harvest herbs. Unlocks sage (Lvl 1), rosemary (Lvl 2), and crafting healing items (Lvl 3) 9 3
Flax Plant and craft with flax, gain increased drops from flax plants 5 5
Crop Reaper Crops cut with a scythe are automatically replanted 15 1
Wind Power Craft and manipulate windmills to increase crop growth in a 2 chunk square radius 12 3
Pre Industrial Craft and use grain mills and sawmills. Unlocks Grain Mill (Lvl 2) and Sawmill (Lvl 3) 12 3

Animal Husbandry Skill Tree

The Animal Husbandry skill tree focuses on breeding and caring for animals.

Skill Name Description XP Cost Max Points
Butcher Increases the drop rate of domestic animals 0 5
Scavenger Domestic animals drop bones 0 5
Hatchery Increases chance for chickens to drop eggs, craft and cook scrambled eggs 5 3
Fishmonger Collect worms for fishing, stronger lure and larger fish 5 3
Horsepower Craft and attach carts to donkeys for extra storage 8 1
Shepherd Gain more wool from sheep 8 5
Dairy Create cheese and get more milk from cows. Craft cheese (Lvl 1), 2 milk buckets per cow (Lvl 2), 3 milk buckets per cow (Lvl 3) 13 3
Truffle Hunter Use pigs to find truffles in the wild, increased chance of finding truffles 13 3
Beekeeper Gain increased yields from hives and nests 16 3
Artificial Selection Breed animals with Barley for new breeds. Unlocks new cow breeds (Lvl 1), chicken breeds (Lvl 2), sheep breeds (Lvl 3) 16 3
Henxman Feed foals to determine stats in adulthood 19 1

Profession Progression

To advance in the Farmer profession:

  1. Plant and harvest crops
  2. Breed animals
  3. Kill animals
profession/farmer.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/23 22:47 by