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Blacksmith Profession


The Blacksmith profession in Mvndicraft focuses on metalworking, mining, and crafting weapons and armor. Blacksmiths play a crucial role in equipping players and supporting military endeavors. This profession is divided into two main skill trees: Warsmith and Mining.

Warsmith Skill Tree

The Warsmith skill tree focuses on creating weapons, armor, and siege equipment.

Skill Name Description XP Cost Max Points
Fletching Allows construction of advanced ranged weapons. Unlocks Longbow & Bullets (Lvl 1), Crossbow & Bolts (Lvl 2), Siege Weapon Ammo (Lvl 3) 0 3
Backpacking Unlocks bundle recipe 3 3
Armor Smithing Enables creation of better armors. Unlocks Half Plate Cuirass/Greaves (Lvl 1), Steel Sabatons/Greaves/Plackart (Lvl 3) 0 3
Weapon Smithing Allows creation of better weapons. Unlocks Short Spears (Lvl 1), Heavy Axes (Lvl 2), Pole Arms (Lvl 3) 3 3
The Handgonne Unlocks the first firearm. Handgonne Recipe (Lvl 1), Handgonne Grapeshot (Lvl 2) 6 1
Warsmithing Enables creation of siege weapons. Unlocks Ballista (Lvl 1), Greek Fire (Lvl 2), Trebuchet (Lvl 3) 7 3
Armor Quenching Unlocks improved armor quality with armor quenching 7 3
Durable Siegeworking Reinforces siege weapons, increasing durability by up to 30% (10% per level) 10 3
Weapon Quenching Unlocks weapon quenching 10 3
Quality Steelworking Mastery of blacksmithing. Unlocks Arquebus (Lvl 1), Steel Armour (Lvl 3) 13 3

Mining Skill Tree

The Mining skill tree focuses on extracting and processing ores and other materials.

Skill Name Description XP Cost Max Points
Gold Panning Enables finding gold in rivers. Unlocks gold panning (Lvl 1), increases chance by 1% per level (Lvl 2-5) 0 5
Corporatism Increases gold panning chance by 2% per person within 16 blocks per level 5 5
Miners Strength Chance to gain Haste I for 2s when mining. 5% base chance, +5% per level 0 5
Prospecting Increases chance for double drops from ores by 10% per level 5 5
Blast Mining Unlocks Gunpowder Barrel recipe 10 1
Miners Delight Increases double drop chance based on alcohol consumption 11 5
Bombadire Chance for coal ore to drop gunpowder. 5% base chance, +5% per level 11 5
Trapper Unlocks various traps. Bear Traps (Lvl 1), Frisian horse trap (Lvl 2), Buried Bear Traps (Lvl 3) 16 3
True Smithing Unlocks Blast furnace and Bloomery recipe 16 1

Profession Progression

To advance in the Blacksmith profession:

  1. Complete mining-related tasks such as extracting ores
  2. Smelt ores
  3. Use the anvil
profession/blacksmith.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/23 22:46 by