Heating up Cast Iron/Steel
Before you begin to create Weapons or Armour, you need to know how to heat up certain resources to place them in Tongs, otherwize, they are unusable for blacksmithing
To do this, you need:
- Any form of Steel/Cast Iron
- An Anvil
- Flint n Steel
- Multiple pairs of tongs
1. Light a fire using the Flint n Steel, then throwing Steel/Cast Iron into the fire (this will not burn it). This heats up the metal, making it usable.
2. Then, right click the fire with a pair of Empty Tongs, and the amount of steel in the tongs should be displayed as a tooltip. (you may have to right click the fire multiple times, as it takes some time)
3. Once you have the Steel/Cast Iron in your Tongs, you will be able to right click an anvil to choose an item you want to create
Disclaimer: If you cannot light a fire inside your town, this may be due to restrictions set by the town owner preventing fire being placed, if these are in place, go into a nearby wilderness area, or use /rtp (random tp) to light your fire.
*Note*: You can hover over any of the recipies inside the anvil to check what materials they need to craft
To use the heated up cast iron/steel, go to creating_weapons or creating_armour