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War Guide
SiegeWar is the system used on Mvndicraft for war.
Even if you are familiar with this system, it is recommended that you read this whole page to understand how it works differently on Mvndicraft. Mvndicraft's version of SiegeWar has been highly built upon and configured.
There's a video here that showcases some SiegeWar concepts. Not everything in this video is entirely accurate on Mvndicraft.
Starting a Siege
Siege banners can only be placed on Thursdays, right before Battle Sessions.
You need a nation to attack a town. It does not matter if the defending town has a nation or not. However, if the defending town does have a nation, then your nation must be enemies with the defending town's nation before you can begin the siege.
To start the siege, go in a wilderness chunk outside of the defending town's border, and place a non-white banner on the ground.
You must pay a one time upfront price fee of 5 Ducats per plot claimed by the defending town from your nation bank. You must also pay a war chest worth 25 Ducats per plot claimed by the defending town.
Once the war chest is paid, the banner is moved to the defending towns spawn and the siege begins.
Siege weapons can be placed and destroyed in the defending towns borders. Any other blocks cannot be placed or destroyed by the attackers. Defenders have a 60 second block placement and destruction cooldown. This also applies to attackers in the surrounding wilderness chunks of the defending town. Attacks cannot build/destroy inside the defending town; only siege weapons can break blocks in the defending town.
Note that siege weapons only function during active battle sessions. This is to prevent griefing.
Upfront Price / War Chest
When you start a siege, an upfront price of 5 Ducats per chunks claimed is paid to the server. This is to prevent nations sieging their allies to exploit and gift free immunity.
Additionally, a war chest worth 25 Ducats per chunk claimed is deposited into the siege. The winner gets the war chest at the end of the siege.
Battle Schedules
A siege is split into three one-hour-long battle sessions.
A battle session starts every Friday/Saturday/Sunday at 7 PM UTC.
Holding/Capturing the Banner
To hold the banner for a team, a player or his/her ally must stay around the banner for 7 minutes without dying. If the player is successful, then the player will get added to the banner control list. When more players hold the banner, points are obtained faster. Since the banner is in their spawn, defenders should always capture the banner thus gaining “passive” points during the siege.
War Sickness
If you enter a siege zone during a battle session as a non-belligerent of the participating towns/nations, then you will recieve war sickness. You also need a military rank in order to NOT get siege sickness. Its advised that nationless town's mayor/comayor/assistant give the Guard
rank. If the town is a nation then the king/coking/assistant should give private
Town Military Ranks:
- guard
Nation Military Ranks:
- private
- sergeant
- lieutenant
- captain
- colonel
- general
Soldiers can be paid with /sw nation paysoldiers <amount>
Read more at the SiegeWar Guide
Outcome of a siege
A siege has points. Actions by defenders make the siege lose points. Actions by the attackers make the siege gain points. At the end of the last battle session (this means the attackers have never captured the banner), if the siege has negative or zero points, then the defenders win. If the siege has positive points, then the attackers win. If the attackers have never captured the banner, it's a near zero chance they have more points than the defenders. For all intents and purposes, if the siege ends because it is the end of the last battle session, the defenders win.
If the attackers capture the banner before the end of the third session, the siege ends in an attacker victory.
A siege's points can be modified by:
- Banner control - Every 20 seconds the defenders get 8 points if they have banner control.
- Killing enemies in the siege zone - Attackers get 60 points for killing an enemy. Defenders get 120 points for killing an enemy. Attackers will not win the siege unless they take the defending town's spawn.
Post-War Actions
Losing the siege as the attacker results in the defenders winning the war chest as reparations.
Winning the siege as the attacker results in receiving the war chest back and options to annex the besieged town:
- Invade it (Place it under occupation status, you are able to tax the town up to 12 Ducats per plot daily).
To do this, place another non-white banner at the town's borders right after the siege ends.
- Plunder it (One time fee worth 50*PLOTS-CLAIMED Ducats).
To do this, place a chest at the town's borders right after the siege ends.
- Cannons are better for precise strikes - trebuchets are better at breaking more blocks.
- Greek fire burns berry bushes.