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Making Chainmail

Chainmail requires two different ingredients to create: - Iron Nuggets - Steel Wire

Steel Wire requires another prerequisite ingredient called Steel Rods, Steel Rods can be made in an Anvil by right clicking the anvil with a pair of tongs containing Hot Steel in them.

To Create Steel Rods, you need a pair of tongs containing steel

- Firstly, right click an anvil with your tongs (With steel), and navigate to the “armour” section, where you will be able to choose to craft a “Steel rod”

- When you click on the recipe, a heated steel ingot should appear on the anvil, Left Click it with a Hammer in hand, and complete the minigame (Quality does NOT matter when crafting steel rods)

- Right Click the side of the anvil with an empty pair of Tongs after the minigame has been completed, and DO NOT RIGHT CLICK A CAULDRON

- Once you have the heated steel rod in your tongs, right click the anvil again, navigate to the “armour” section, and click the recipe for “Steel Wire”

- a different minigame should appear where you need to use a pair of empty tongs to create wire

- To complete this minigame, hold left click on where it points you to (DO NOT LET GO), and while holding left click, drag your mouse in the direction it tells you to

Once you have obtained your Steel Wire, simply craft Chainmail (recipe in /recipes), using your Steel Wire and Iron Nuggets, and you will have aquired chainmail to craft armour with

crafting_chainmail.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/26 21:39 by 62585298