Table of Contents
If you are crafting normal items they still use vanilla recipes, except for the vanilla weapons and armor which have been replaced by completely custom items. To see all the custom recipes you can use the command /recipes. Most of these custom armors and weapons require you to use Smithing which is a custom feature on Mvndi.
- In order to begin smithing you must have the blacksmith profession selected in /mp
- First, you need these tools to start blacksmithing: A Hammer, Tongs, and Bellows. (All of these can be found under the tools section of /recipes)
- Then, you need to make a Bloomery, which requires 2 hard clay. Hard clay is made by putting 8 terracotta in the shape of a chest in a crafting table.
- You then need to place the 2 hard clay stacked on top of each other before hitting the bottom one with the hammer to create the block.
- The other blocks you will need for smithing are an anvil, a cauldron of water, and a smithing table. All of these are the normal vanilla recipes.
The Proccess
- To begin smithing place Raw Iron in the first slot of the bloomery and either Charcoal or Coal in the second. As soon as you do this it will start to heat and turn the iron into either: Steel, Cast Iron, or Slag. You then want to use the Bellows to control the heat of the bloomery.
- After all the iron has finished smelting use your Tongs to grab the bloom from the bloomery by right-clicking it.
Purifying the Bloom:
- You will then place the bloom on the anvil by right-clicking it with the Tongs in hand.
- Take your Hammer and right-click the bloom until it disappears, you will be left with an assortment of Slag, Cast Iron, and Steel.
Heating the Ingots:
* Now you must set a block on fire using //Flint and Steel// (which is crafted the same as in vanilla) and toss **either** the cast iron or steel in. **Do Not** put both in at the same time. After a couple of seconds right-click the fire with empty //Tongs// to pull the hot ingots out. [If fire is not enabled on the plot use the command __/plot toggle fire on__]
Forging the Item
You will now go over to the anvil and right-click it with the tongs in hand to bring up this Gui: (Or you can right-click the cauldron to turn them into cooled ingots which is required for certain recipes.) * Once in the Gui, you can use the left-hand column to navigate between //armor, weapons, and tools//. * After you have selected the item you want to smith you will have to pick a difficulty (Apprentice, Journeyman, Artisan, and Master). These are unlocked every 5 Blacksmithing levels in __/mp__. The difficulty determines how small the dots are, how many times you have to hit a dot to finish smithing, and what star grade the piece is (0,1,2,3) which increases the stats of the weapon or armor. * Once you have your difficulty picked you must use your hammer to right-click the dots that appear on the anvil until the item is finished. * You must then use tongs to pick up the smithed item and quench it by right-clicking the cauldron. (Certain perks in the smithing tree in __/mp__ allow you to quench the item multiple times to increase the stats of it) * The quality of the item is determined by how many dots you hit during the smithing process. * To assemble the item if it is a weapon you will need to craft staffs (which are made by putting three sticks vertically in a crafting table) after you have the staffs you need to place them in a smithing table in the exact way they are shown in __/recipes__. * Depending on the quality of the blade used the weapons will have different stats.
Crucible Furnace
- The Crucible Furnace is unlocked via the max skill in the mining section of the blacksmithing tree in /mp. It can be used to recycle slag into cast iron and steel. And is crafted by placing clay on top of a blast furnace and hitting the furnace with a hammer.
blacksmithing_guide.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/21 01:42 by toast